Position Available – Director of Development & Community Outreach

Job Title: Director of Development and Community Outreach

Program: Membership Services, Fundraising, Volunteers, & Outreach

Position: Part-time/hourly to start with full-time potential
Must produce revenue goals for position to be sustained

Reports to: Executive Director

Date of Posting: August 5, 2014

Summary Description: This job exists to assist the Executive Director and to lead the organization’s fundraising, membership and outreach initiatives. Serves as a key staff member and fills in for Executive Director at events and appearances when she is not available.

Supervises: Membership Services, Farm & Food Guide Publication, Annual Campaign, Leadership Giving, Corporate Sponsorships, Media communications, Volunteers and Ambassador Program.

Principal Responsibilities: Effectively manage NOFA-NJ relationships while growing revenue through membership, sponsorship, individual donations and grant writing. While there are a variety of activities associated with this position, heavy emphasis is on managing the organization’s grant program.

Position Requirements: We are seeking an experienced development professional with excellent writing and communication skills and a proven track record in marketing and development for a non-profit organization. Candidate must have creative vision with the ability to strategize. Must be independently motivated, highly organized, and able to work in a team setting. Best applicant will possess strong writing, communication and interpersonal skills. Passion and understanding about organic food and farming a must. Bachelor’s degree strongly preferred. Some statewide car travel necessary. This position is at will and comes with the expectation that it exceeds revenue goals year over year.

For full position description and application instructions visit the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey (NOFA-NJ) career page.

Author: Michael Swayze

A retired county welfare agency administrator, who combines social work and computer skills to share information on community resources via the Internet since 1995. Active in voter engagement activities in Philadelphia, PA.