Power Restoration in New Jersey

The article below was composed on October 30 but due to technical problems did not get posted to the blog. It may still be useful to our neighbors still without electricity.

For the 1+ million residents in New Jersey without power, myself included, we’ve been advised it will take time to assess damages and then begin to restore power, etc.

To report a power outage in your neighborhood, downed wires, utility pole accident, tree limbs on wire, or restoration call your electric company.

The major electric utility companies in New Jersey to call are:
Atlantic City Electric

Jersey Central Power & Light

Orange & Rockland

Public Service Electric & Gas

This information is brought to you via WordPress mobile software and smartphone. Share this with a friend or neighbor.

Author: Michael Swayze

A retired county welfare agency administrator, who combines social work and computer skills to share information on community resources via the Internet since 1995. Active in voter engagement activities in Philadelphia, PA.